this is


A one man show

Multimedia producer

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I'm someone who's always been curious about the world. I've traveled to so many places. Music has been my constant companion since childhood. I started singing at family gatherings when I was just 5 and taught myself to play the keyboard by age 7. Now, armed with diplomas in digital marketing and film making, I've worked in both fields, through roles as a marketing coordinator and a producer/video editor in film making.

My approach

Despite facing setbacks, I've always been determined to find a way, and that drive has only grown stronger over time. I developed a diverse skill set that blends my passions for storytelling. now, I'm at a crossroads, seeking a new direction that resonates more deeply with my inner calling. I'm eager to explore fresh avenues for creative expression and personal fulfillment, fueled by a renewed sense of determination and focus.


Associate Degree In Digital Marketing

khawirzmi international university • Abu Dhabi 2012

1 Year Diploma in Filmmaking

SAE Amman Institute

Google Short Courses

Google Ads Display.

Digital Marketing Certification.

YouTube Music Certification

Some of my videos


Be the HERO of your own movie🎬

Friends To Drop Right NOW..

Loneliness Sucks But Does it Have To?

How to Fail on YouTube

BAB Music Festival Amman


Some Music i enjoyed producing

Music Note

Ya Saad Remix

Electro Dehheyeh